Pursuing the Truth
A revolutionary experiment that evolved into a worldwide unique church
About the Truth
Truth can bear scrutiny…stands on its own merits… has nothing to hide
Scenes of Ireland where the Two by Two Church originated.
In the 1800s, various men attempted to restore the primitive New Testament church to its first century model. One such restorationist was Scotsman William Irvine, a young charismatic preacher assisted by his right-hand man, Edward Cooney. Available Now
The church without a name also known as The Truth, The Way, Two-by-Two’s, Cooneyites, and others, avoids publicity and has no written literature, other than a hymnal. Church leaders have never published an official account of their church beginning and development.
For as long as I can remember, I have valued truth and justice. Truth is truly a treasure, and its value is priceless. Truth is the foundation of all knowledge. In my quest for truth, I studied its nature and attributes, which deepened my love and appreciation for truth.

Historians are tour guides. The historian’s task is to pursue truth wherever it may lead. History is the study of past events in chronological order. A historian reconstructs the past, working closely with the information left behind, e.g. documents, oral testimony, objects, etc., and presents them in a coherent manner, tracing back to their origin and studying the subsequent changes or evolution. This book is the culmination of over 30 years of dedication by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig to the task of researching a nameless sect’s origin and elusive historical details and documents.
This book was written to preserve the history of a little known Christian sect that takes no official name. Some of its more common nicknames are: The Truth, The Way, The Fold and Two by Twos (2x2s). Other designations are: The Friends and Workers Fellowship, Cooneyites, Reidites, Black Stockings, Tramp Preachers, Dippers, Go Preachers and more. The ministers are referred to as “Workers” or “Servants” and the laity as “Friends” or “Saints.”
Many followers believe this Church originated when Jesus sent out His twelve apostles in pairs (two and two) on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; and that it has continued in a direct line from the first century apostles to the current ministers of this Church (is of apostolic succession). However, published documents reveal that this church was actually started at the turn of the 20th century (1897-1901) in Ireland by a Scotsman some 1900 years after Jesus walked the Earth.

William Irvine
Who was William Irvine?
The founder was William Irvine who was born in 1863 in Kilsyth, Scotland. Many current members do not realize there was a human founder and have never heard his name. An attempt began around 1914 to eradicate the founder from their church history, after they excommunicated him from the church he started. His name and role became anathema. A memory hole or gap existed for over a century.
The author’s mission is to preserve the factual history of this church, its founder and ministers, and for the facts to become common knowledge and easily accessible. Kropp-Ehrig believes everyone ever connected in any way to the Church without a Name has a right to this information that has been withheld from so many.

I was born and raised, third generation, in a nameless church. My grandparents were adults when they became followers of this church around 1930. As teenagers, my parents chose to follow in this Sect, and I did also. More or less, I inherited my spiritual beliefs.
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information;
which is proof against all arguments;
and which cannot fail to keep people in everlasting ignorance.
That principle is Condemnation before Investigation.”